Specialty Groups for Recovery
Beachway Therapy Center offers specialty groups on grief, loss, and trauma to further enhance the healing process in recovery. We offer these groups a safe, intimate, and confidential place for our patients to work through sensitive issues that may impact addiction. The patient’s primary therapist may recommend these groups to provide supplemental therapy and get a deeper understanding of underlying issues that may have resulted in or added to their addiction issues.
Grief and Loss
This specialty group consists of individuals who have experienced grief and loss due to death or simply losing an important relationship in their lives. Over a six week time period, the group will:
- Work through and identify the 5 stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining, and Acceptance
- Share personal stories of “what happened” and what or who was “lost.”
- Group discussion, support, and processing
- Validation of Emotions (anger, depression, relief, guilt, shame, joy, happiness)
- Gain coping skills through experiential exercises (setting boundaries, seeking and using support, meditation, prayer, helping others, creativity through music and arts)
This specialty group consists of individuals suffering from trauma and PTSD, due to tragic and traumatic events, including but not limited to: death of a loved one, an accident, sexual abuse, verbal or physical abuse, war, natural disasters, torture, witnessing a traumatic event, etc. Over a six week time period, the group will address:
- Identification of trauma
- Sharing personal stories and experiences
- Validation of emotions (anger, depression, guilt, shame, anxiety)
- Group discussion, support, and processing
- Discussion of survival mechanisms ( dissociation, addiction, avoidance)
- Self-esteem building
- Self-Forgiveness
- Release of negative emotions through experiential exercises
- Coping skills through experiential exercises (setting boundaries, seeking and using support, meditation, prayer, helping others, creativity through music and arts)