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The Anxiety and Depression Association of America estimates that roughly 40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety or depression. However, the number could be greater because many individuals may not seek treatment for depression.


About Depression Treatment

Depression is a prevalent mental health disorder in America, deeply affecting those who experience it. Unlike typical sadness, depression is a persistent, crippling condition that impacts every aspect of a person’s life. At Beachway Therapy Center in Florida, we understand that clinical depression, if untreated, can worsen and lead to substance abuse as individuals attempt to self-medicate.

Alcohol and drugs may temporarily mask depression symptoms, but they ultimately exacerbate the condition and can lead to addiction, resulting in a dual diagnosis. For those suffering from chronic depression, an inpatient treatment program at Beachway Therapy Center provides comprehensive care and relief.


What are the Signs of

In addition to being one of the most common mental health disorders, depression is also misunderstood. At any given time, humans experience a range of emotions, from happiness to sadness. Depression is not simply feeling sad; it’s experiencing a range of physical and mental symptoms that make it impossible to lead a normal and healthy life. The ability to connect with other people on a deep, meaningful level isn’t easy for someone experiencing depression.

Having a bad day now and then may not be depression. Depression is a mental disorder characterized by long periods of feeling despondent and dejected. Those who suffer from depression have difficulty enjoying regular activities. Some other symptoms of depression include:

  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain
  • Feeling of hopelessness
  • Reduced energy
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Body pain or aches
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Restlessness and anxiety

Experiencing these symptoms for an extended period of time often points to depression.

Does Depression Lead to Substance Abuse?

As a chronic illness, depression is likely to foster addictive behavior. This is especially true when considering the symptoms of depression. Feeling despondent, hopeless, having trouble sleeping, and other symptoms are often masked by drug or alcohol use.

The issue with this is that once a person starts using drugs and alcohol to deal with depression, they may become addicted and regularly rely on these substances. In reality, self-medicating with drugs and alcohol won’t help depression; they actually worsen the symptoms and cause individuals to enter a downward spiral to try to use more substances to cope.

In these situations, dual diagnosis treatment may be appropriate. Dual diagnosis programs treat all disorders concurrently so that each issue can be addressed holistically.

Depression can be a secondary illness to other issues such as bipolar disorder, PTSD, eating disorders, and more, which means those with depression are even more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol and seek a substance abuse treatment program.

Top-down view of Florida rehab facility featuring pool and sports court.

Types of Depression

When it comes to categorizing depression, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America recognizes three main types. These types all have similar symptoms
and identifying signs. However, there are a few key differences that set them apart.


This is probably the most commonly known form of depression. Bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of mania followed by periods of intense depression. Also described, as high-highs and low-lows, bipolar is a dangerous form of depression that can result in rash decision-making, inappropriate social behavior, and risky behavior. The shift between mania and depression can happen suddenly or gradually depending on the person.

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)

An individual suffering from PDD can often seem like a negative thinker or pessimistic person. PDD is less intense than other forms of depression, but it has a negative impact on a person’s life nonetheless. Those with PDD are easily irritated, over-critical and have low self-confidence and difficulty making decisions. In most cases, periods of PDD last about two years.

Major Depression

Major depression is diagnosed when a person is experiencing five or more symptoms of depression for a period of two weeks or longer. It’s not as simple as feeling sad for a day or two. Major depression makes it almost impossible to lead a normal life since activities such as work, school, or hobbies become unbearable. With each unique case, major depression is different. Some may experience it suddenly as a result of trauma or loss, while others will struggle with it for their entire lives.

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How to Spot Depression?

If a person experiences any of the following symptoms, it may be time to consider getting professional help:

    • Disconnecting from friends and family.
    • Lack of enjoyment from activities that you used to enjoy.
    • Trouble sleeping, sleeping too much.
    • Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts.
    • Hiding or lying about your drug or alcohol use.
    • Extreme swings in weight loss or weight gain, change in eating habits.
    • Becoming more withdrawn. Missing out on work or school.
    • Experiencing overwhelming feelings of regret or self-doubt.
    • The feeling of anxiety, restlessness, or irritability
    • The onset of apathy, lethargy, and fatigue.

End the Cycle of Depression,
Anxiety & Addiction with Dual
Diagnosis Treatment

Substance abuse and addiction can lead to depression and anxiety. Inversely, intense anxiety and depression episodes can lead people to seek relief with drugs and alcohol, resulting in addiction. An individual can end the cycle with a compassionate and evidence-based dual diagnosis treatment program. Treatment from professionals trained and experienced in treating patients with these unique needs can be extremely effective.

The experts at Beachway Therapy Center can help. Our counselors are available to offer guidance and advice.


What to Expect from
Beachway’s Mental Health
and Depression
Treatment Program

At Beachway Therapy Center, we use a holistic approach to treating each patient. Unique treatment plans that utilize medication management approaches combined with clinical intervention, help patients move past their depression issues. By addressing the underlying causes of depression, we can prepare patients for a successful and healthy life ahead.

To support that process, we offer a wide range of activities, so each patient can find those things that truly bring them happiness and joy. They’re able to meaningfully connect with other people in a healthy, supportive environment. Eliminating everyday stresses in a luxurious, calming, and supportive setting is just one of the many reasons Beachway’s dual diagnosis treatment program is successful for those suffering from depression.

Some of our most popular treatments include equine therapy, art and drama therapy, faith-based healing, nutritional counseling, and more. We focus on our patients’ overall well-being by encouraging participation in group therapy sessions and physical activity.

Once treatment is complete, our patients move into a personalized aftercare program designed to monitor their successful transition back into the real world. We equip our patients with healthy ways to cope with the stresses of everyday life.