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Trauma-Focused Therapy & Recovery in Florida

When seeking trauma therapy, turn to Beachway Therapy Center in Florida for expertise, compassion, and effective treatment.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

What Is Trauma? Insights From Our Mental Health Trauma Center

Trauma comes from the Greek word for wound. In our clinical opinion, trauma is an event or set of events that ruptures the soul, impacts the psyche, and dysregulates the nervous system. As a result of less than nurturing experiences, the individual’s mind, body, and spirit are wounded.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), trauma is “an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, crime, natural disaster, physical or emotional abuse, neglect and more. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks and strained relationships.” While this definition is widely accepted within the arenas of medical, mental, and behavioral health, some clinicians and researchers provide a layman conceptualization of trauma. At Beachway, our Trauma Program Team appreciates and sees the validity of the definition of trauma as “less than nurturing” experiences.

There’s no simple definition of what qualifies as a traumatic event. Physical injuries, such as those sustained in a car crash or violent attack, are a common cause. However, emotional abuse and loss can also lead to trauma.

Societies have different approaches to recognizing and processing trauma. Since ancient times, many cultures have used rituals and storytelling to help those affected by war process trauma. Therapists now use culturally sensitive methods to help people from all backgrounds understand and overcome trauma.


Trauma Therapy at Beachway Therapy Center

Beachway Therapy Center provides trauma-focused therapy to help people overcome trauma, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder. A skilled and compassionate therapist can help people understand the loss of identity that often results from traumatic experiences and guide them toward building a new sense of self. The therapy focuses on the body and mind to address physical and emotional symptoms.

3 Common Traumatic Events Treated at Beachway

Beachway personalizes recovery on a case-by-case basis, considering the differences in each patient’s experience and their personal trauma triggers.

While these three types of trauma are the most common, they aren’t the only ones. At Beachway’s trauma therapy in Florida, therapists also work with patients who are experiencing less common trauma types.

  • Grief and loss: Some people experience trauma via grief and loss after the death of a friend, parent, child, or other family member. They might cycle into deep depression or feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety.
  • Abuse: Trauma can result from sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. People who were bullied or dealt with verbal abuse or negative circumstances as a child might have unresolved trauma.
  • Life circumstances: Betrayal, adultery, divorce, and even termination from employment can be traumatic and create long-lasting effects that might trigger substance abuse or addiction.

Because individuals process harmful experiences differently, no trauma type is worse or more damaging. Each patient’s traumatic experience is treated with great care, targeted therapy, clinical support, and a holistic approach.

Background image of ocean waves representing Florida rehab location.

Advanced Trauma Recovery Techniques in West Palm Beach

The right choice for each person depends on their individual needs. However, several therapy types have been used successfully at Beachway’s trauma treatment center in Florida, including:

  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy: EMDR involves recalling traumatic events while rapidly moving the eyes. This activates brain regions that can reprocess trauma, leading to a reduction in distress.
  • Somatic experiencing: This therapy focuses on bodily sensations to heal trauma.

Beachway also offers several experimental therapies and techniques to treat trauma:

  • Psychodramatic techniques
  • Expressive therapies
  • Play
  • Inner child
  • Action-based techniques
  • Somatic informed
  • Polyvagal and nervous system informed
  • Seeking safety
  • Psychodynamic
  • Gestalt


Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders in Trauma Treatment

Trauma often coexists with conditions such as anxiety and depression. Treatment must address both to be successful. Therapies effective in treating trauma and co-occurring disorders include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy: CBT helps patients challenge their thought patterns, which can lead to changes in behavior and improve how they feel.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy: DBT uses meditative practices, such as mindfulness and acceptance, to develop new ways of thinking and behaving.


Supporting Families and Loved Ones During Trauma Rehab

Beachway offers family therapy sessions to include loved ones in the healing process. The sessions are designed to educate family members about trauma and its effects so they can better support their loved ones.

Other resources for families include family counseling services, support groups, and access to educational materials to help explain the complexities of trauma. These resources help families support their loved ones, fostering a healing environment outside the clinic.

Trauma Training and Expertise of Beachway’s Staff

Effective trauma therapists require specialized training. Some therapists at Beachway are Certified Trauma Therapists or Certified Complex Trauma Therapists, which means they’ve undergone rigorous training to achieve and maintain their qualifications.

Beachway's Approach to Trauma-Focused Therapy

We offer a well-rounded program with a variety of services. Trauma therapy utilizes experiential therapies to encourage patients to participate fully and engage in the treatment process. Therapies may include inner-child work, psychodrama, and meditation. Individuals participating in trauma-informed care can expect to meet with a group throughout the week. Patients also work on individual assignments that promote self-discovery and empowerment. The deeper a person goes to address the root cause, the more successful the healing from trauma and substance abuse may be.

When individuals dig deep during experiential therapies, they might relive those traumas or feel a sense of shame, guilt, sadness, or anger. Patients often need help processing their emotions, memories, and traumas effectively. Beachway is fully prepared for these natural, healthy responses to therapy, with clinical and therapeutic support.

Treating Trauma Holistically

Our holistic approach focuses on healing the patient’s mind, body, and soul through personalized treatment and aftercare plans. It can be the most effective way to treat dual-diagnosis patients. In addition to these groups, we also provide holistic therapies, including:

We encourage Beachway patients to regain control of their health through physical activity. In addition to introducing patients to personalized treatment plans, we offer personalized aftercare options.

Aftercare acts as a transition period where clients can get a head start on life after rehab. Some key aftercare features include placement in a sober living environment, access to group therapy, a secured job or post-secondary school, and more.

Comprehensive Trauma Education and Healing at Our Florida Trauma Treatment Center

Trauma patients at Beachway begin their recovery by learning about the neurobiology of trauma, common trauma responses, and the process of healing. This can involve assignments and live-action role-play to educate and empower them.

This educational phase of the program helps identify areas of trauma, such as:

  • What is the trauma?
  • How does it manifest?
  • What are the effects?

We also incorporate a process component, typically a 6-week program, which begins after stabilization. In this phase, patients meet twice a week as a group and participate in multiple one-on-one sessions with their therapist.

Top-down view of Florida therapy center featuring pool and sports court.

How Much Does Trauma Rehab Cost?

Trauma rehabilitation is a critical step in a person’s road to recovery. Treatment for mental health conditions, such as PTSD, may be covered by your insurance. To find out whether your treatment may be fully or partially covered, please call our office at 877-890-8251. A team member will happily speak with you regarding your insurance company and what you might expect to pay for treatment.

Soothing background image of white and gray waves.

Begin Your Trauma-Focused Recovery in Florida Today

Trauma affects the mind and the body, but it’s possible to heal with the right support. The first step is reaching out to Beachway to learn more about trauma treatment. The team is ready to answer all questions. Get in touch today!